Illuminating a pathway forward
Our Mission
Our mission is to illuminate a pathway forward in sharing the responsibility of national service in
Eretz Yisrael. We seek to do this through respectful conversation and addressing valid
concerns, whilst countering common misconceptions of serving as a Torah observant
Jew in the IDF. We believe that in doing so, we strengthen the achdus of Am Yisrael
and become a stronger nation, at this seminal time in Jewish history.
Our Speakers
Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein, Rabbi Mordechai Becher and Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman are well-known, and high-respected Rabbonim in the Jewish world. Unique in their personal life experiences and richly
diverse Rabbinical lives, their collective experience, brings them together, sharing a passionate
belief, that Am Yisrael can march more in step together.